Sjögren's syndrome and pregnancy
Sjögren's syndrome, xerostomia, xerophtalmia, pregnancyAbstract
Primary Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune exocrinopathy of slow progression and chronic, that causes sicca symptoms due to lymphocytic T infiltration that leads to the destruction of the exocrine glands. Clinically it is characterized by ocular and oral dryness However, more than half of the patients develop extraglandular manifestations that can concern any organ, can be the first manifestation of the syndrome and which are going to determine the prognosis. In de women pregnancy, and primary or secundary Sjögren's síndrome, is necesary the electrocardiographic screening in all infants born to mothers with anti-Ro/La antibodies to identify those with heart conduction abnormalities. Electrocardiographic abnormalities at birth is frecuently asymptomatic infants. There are presented sinus bradycardia, the second abnormalities of ventricular repolarization, both regressed spontaneously, while the third ventricular extrasystoles which continue even now at someone months. A 3rd degree block in the mother, and causing pregnancy terminationDownloads
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