Index of articles related with rheumatic’s illnesses published in cuban medical magazines during 2013’ year
rheumatology, invisible web, scientific production, medical magazines, rheumatic’s illnessesAbstract
The scientific articles conceived, edited and published that they relate with a specialist, generally tend to disperse and appear in different medical magazines as it interest of his authors, without representing in his group, lines of systematic and organic investigation, that would enrich the constant work and grail of multiple center’s attention, educational and investigative; on the other hand, the desegregation of these articles by several magazines and publishers, hampers to the researchers recover articles of the same subject for the increase of the knowledge and the forming of new affine literature; with the common aim of investigation on subjects related from different points in the specialist of rheumatology, and approach to the rheumatologist to all the lines of investigation that have developed in our country in the 2013’ year, put to his disposal the relation of articles on this thematic published in the Cuban half magazines during the 2013’ year.Downloads
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