Exploration of the knowledge on palliative cares in the Rheumatology Center
rheumatology, palliative cares, level of information, learning needAbstract
Palliative Cares are known as intensive cares of comfort. They try to enable all that is capable to reduce or avoid suffering, consequently to provide life quality. Today, Palliative medicine has a broad vision which includes patients with a recent diagnosis of advanced cancer, patients with progressive chronic illnesses of an organ and degenerative illnesses, like the ones related to the inflammation of the connective tissue, which constitute a group of diseases that rheumatologic assistance has as main goal. Frequent association with other chronic diseases and treatment complications produce a progressive damage to the patient, multiorgan deterioration and death, generally because of renal, cardiac, respiratory, digestive and central nervous system impairment. Nowadays, it is of interest for medical practice that health professionals know about palliative cares. We proposed to find out what all the physicians who work at the Rheumatologic Center know on this issue and identify the learning needs on the topic, through a descriptive and transversal study; hence, a survey was designed for that purpose. We found that most of people polled have more than one medical specialty, they have 10 years or more of professional experience, the level of information on palliative cares is not enough and they consider that learning on this issue should begin during their development as a medical doctor.Downloads
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