The rheumatic patient' integral rehabilitation
rheumatic affections, rehabilitation, physical agents, physiotherapyAbstract
Introduction: The rheumatic patients are susceptible of rehabilitating so much in sharp phase, sub acute or in remission.Objective: To characterize the patients assisted in the service of rehabilitation of the center skilled health clinic with diagnostic of rheumatic illnesses.
Method: He/she is carried out a descriptive study, retrospective with 95 patients entered with diagnostic of rheumatic affections in the center specialized ambulatory Heroes of Beach Giron of the University General Hospital Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima of the county of Cienfuegos in the year 2011.
Results: 55.7 % of our patients was women, prevailing the white color of the skin ostensibly with 88.4 % of the entirety of the patients. The general half age of the sample was of 59.28± 15.24, being presented in the men to more age. The most frequent pathology in the rehabilitation service was the hip osteoarthritis for 49.4 % of the total of the studied cases following it in frequency the rheumatoid arthritis with 29.4 %. Most of our patients were rehabilitated with kinesiology (86.3 %) and traditional medicine(71.5 %) for all the diagnoses and the used physical agent was the magnetotherapy (23.1 %). The half demurrage of these patients in a general way was of 15.8 ± 6.5 days.
Conclusions: The patients with rheumatic illnesses benefit with the different rehabilitation techniques what is translated in improvement of their perception of quality of life.
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