Digestive affections associated to the fibromyalgia
fibromyalgia, digestive dysfunctions, digestive diseaseAbstract
Introduction: The fibromyalgia is a disorder not to articulate characterized by the presence of easily verifiable widespread chronic pain by the presence of painful points and that he/she accompanies of fatigue, dysfunctions of the dream and digestive dysfunctions.Objective: To evaluate the association of digestive affections to the fibromialgia, as well as to identify the most frequent digestive symptoms in the patients that suffer this illness.
Methodology: I study descriptive. For the positive diagnosis of fibromyalgia one kept in mind the diagnostic approaches of the ACR, also for the diagnosis of the digestive affections one carries out meticulous physical exam, complementary studies and approaches of Rome III for diagnostic of functional dyspepsia and for the syndrome of irritable intestine. The variable sociodemographic was described.
Results: The age average was 43.35 years. 100 % of the patients included in the study were of the feminine sex. The digestive illnesses that associated with more frequency to fibromialgia were the functional dyspepsia (58.66 %), the syndrome of irritable intestine (52 %) and illness for gastroesophageal reflux (38.66 %). The symptoms more prevalent were the abdominal pain in (82.66 %), constipation in (78.66 %) and pyrosis in (49.33 %).
Conclusions: Varied they are the digestive affections that associate to the fibromyalgia, which are expressed by means of a wide range of clinical symptoms.
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