Acute phase reactant proteins in rheumatology
rheumatology illnesses, inflammation, C reactive protein, acute phase reactant proteinsAbstract
The proteins plasmatic that suffer alterations during the inflammation are known like reactants of the acute phase. This group of proteins plays an important paper in the complex process of the inflammation. The changes in it concentration plasmatic are due to an increase in the synthesis by the liver, do not allow knowing both the location and the causes of the reaction inflammatory; however they are an excellent tool. The levels plasmatic of these proteins are increased in different times. In first time do it the protein C reactive and alpha 1 antitrypsin; after that, alpha 1 acid glycoprotein, haptoglobin, fraction C4 of the complement and fibrinogen. The last proteins to shown increased levels are the ceruloplasmin and the fraction C3 of complement. During many years Protein C reactive was little used. Recently this protein is very important and it constitutes a valuable tool like marker inflammatory in rheumatologic illnesses of immunological origin.Downloads
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