Effectiveness of platelet lysate in the treatment of osteoarthritis knee
njure degenerative, osteoarthritis knee, platelet lysateAbstract
The platelets have a paper in the unquestionable homeostasis and the same ones are a natural source of factors of growth those that have demonstrated to play a significant paper in the regeneration and repair of the fabric connective. The osteoartrosis of the knee is an affection of the cartilage hyaline characterized by the progressive loss of the cartilage to articulate. He/she was carried out a study with 285 mature patients with OAR, assisted in the consultation of regenerative medicine that you/they didn't respond to the conventional treatments, from May 2009 until May 2013. They were carried out the one it implants of concentrated of platelets autólogas or alogénicas in the case of the patients that you/they presented some pathology or limitation to carry out the donation of blood. In all the cases it prevailed the pain and the difficulty to the march to the beginning of the treatment. To the six months clinical improvement was observed in 267 patients (93,6 %), and alone in 18 sick persons (6,3 %) there was not the wanted answer, coinciding these with those that presented marked alignment dysfunctions, in which the pain didn't disappear, but yes modification of the intensity of the same one existed.Downloads
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