Iatrogenic alogenosis and rheumatic diseases
Iatrogenic allogenosis, biopolymers, filling substances, plastic surgery, autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvantsAbstract
The application of substances with aesthetic purpose in an indiscriminate way as oils minerals, hydrocarbons, industrial silicon, and others, they take to produce illnesses well in the body it is local and/or systemic. The association between the use of these substances and the appearance of autoimmunity diseases is not still clear. Nevertheless cases series have been described patient with antecedent of injection for filler materials with cosmetics purpose that later presented defined autoimmunity such as systemic sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and the isolated presence of some symptoms nonspecific. The excessive inflammatory reaction that can cause these substances and their serious consequences for the organism, and keeping in mind the increase from these practices to global level is necessary to inform that alone through an appropriate education to the community and the preparation of the health professionals will be able to prevent and combat the terrible damage in the population.
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