Monoclonal gammopathies with clinical significance in rheumatology



multiple myeloma, monoclonal gammapathies, immunoglobulin, xanthogranuloma, rheumatic-like cancer, intravascular lymphoma, amyloidosis


Monoclonal gammapathies are a broad group of diseases from hematopoietic cells with variable clinical features and systemic or limited involvement. These entities could begin as a rheumatic disease, even previously to the diagnosis of MG. To describe five patients with rheumatic manifestations that lately were diagnosed as monoclonal gammapathies. We describe the more relevant features of five patients assisted in our rheumatology center. Four patients were diagnosed with multiple myeloma that begins as: 1) Schnitzler’s syndrome, 2) Adult-onset xanthogranuloma and amyloidosis, 3) multiple vertebral fracture, 4) acute kidney failure. The 5th patient has a vasculitis-like syndrome due to an intravascular lymphoma. The rheumatic-like syndromes are infrequent but we should take into account this diagnosis in our clinical practice for rapid diagnostic and correct treatment.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Antonio Reibaldi, Hospital José María Cullen. Servicio de Reumatología

Concurrente de segundo año en el servicio de reumatologia del Hospital Cullen de Santa Fe, Argentina


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How to Cite

Reibaldi AA, sager L, Calvo R, Ortiz A, Roverano S, Paira S. Monoclonal gammopathies with clinical significance in rheumatology. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];22(4 Extra.):e168. Available from: