Idiopathic dermatomyositis associated with pulmonary fibrosis
dermatomyositis, pulmonary fibrosisAbstract
The incidence of Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy is from 4 to 15 cases per million inhabitants and its prevalence of 60 per million inhabitants. Idiopathic dermatomyositis is more frequent in women; Although its association with pulmonary fibrosis is described, it is very infrequent, it is only reported in 2% of cases. To describe a diagnosed case of idiopathic dermatomyositis and pulmonary fibrosis. A 50-year-old patient presented weakness at the level of the shoulder girdle accompanied by fatigue. Physical examination: Skin: scratching lesions in different regions of the body due to pruritus, erythematous lesions at the level of the skin on both thighs. Osteomyoarticular system: generalized joint pains with functional impotence and progressive generalized myalgias and muscular hypotrophy of several muscle groups. The analytical study revealed elevated muscle enzymes. The skin and muscle biopsy showed elements suggestive of dermatomyositis. Chest X-ray: diffuse peribronchovascular infiltrate associated with fibrous path. Spirometry: restrictive ventilatory disorders of severe intensity. Computed tomography of the lung with alveolar consolidation and discrete pleural thickening. We report the case of a patient with idiopathic dermatomyositis and pulmonary fibrosis. This association is an uncommon finding in our environment and even more so when the patient is asymptomatic.Downloads
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