Osteosarcopenia: from muscle-bone unit aging to disease
osteosarcopenia, osseous-muscular diagnosis, elderly, CubaAbstract
Muscle and bone mass have the same embryological origin, development and function constituting the bone-muscle unit. However, the diseases associated with aging of this unit are considered independently. In recent years, the additive effect of sarcopenia and osteopenia / osteoporosis on the quality of life and health of the elderly has been revealed, and thus the concept of Osteosarcopenia emerged. In older adults, reporting a progressive decrease in muscle mass and strength. Along with the above, accidental falls at home (by fragility?) are among its main causes of death, suggesting that a group of these aging people may have undiagnosed Osteosarcopenia. To develop capacities for its prevention the objective of this narrative revision are update aspects related to the aging of muscle. Bone unit and diagnostic criteria and therapeutic options for Osteosarcopenia. Exhaustive review of complete articles, in English and Spanish, downloaded manually and published between 2010 and 2019, obtained from the Pubmed, Scielo Regional and Google Scholar databases. the fatty infiltration of the muscle-bone unit It is the most important event of aging, there is no uniformity in the diagnosis of sarcopenia and adequate protein intake, calcium and D vitamin and strength exercises are principal therapeutic options. There are no drugs with on both entities.Downloads
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