Prevention of cardiovascular risk factors for patients that have endured cerebrovascular event
risk, stroke, cardiovascular, rehabilitation, activities of daily livingAbstract
Objective: Prepare an educational guide for the prevention of cardiovascular risk factors in daily activities of patients with cerebrovascular event.
Methods: We worked with a population (250 patients). To collect information from the medical records, a data collection sheet was validated by expert judgments and Cronbach's alpha, with a value of 0.79.
Results: Cardio-cerebrovascular risk factors observed in daily life were lack of physical activity and high blood pressure.
Conclusions: Males in the age group 40 to50 years old and with retirement insurance predominated. Level of dependency of total priority was observed, determination based on the application of the FIM scale. The type of physical therapy mostly used was assisted movements and cognitive therapy, both with a rehabilitation time greater than 12 months.
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