Ozonetherapy by means of infiltration in patient with Syndrome of the Carpal Tunnel
syndrome of the carpal tunnel, clinical manifestations, treatment, ozonetheraphyAbstract
Introduction: The idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome is today the most recurrent peripheral neuropathy. Its high prevalence is recognized and it is associated with disabling conditions and ailments from its early stages.
Objective: To evaluate the results of ozone therapy through infiltration in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Methods: A prospective descriptive study was conducted at the Lucía Iñiguez Landín Clinical Surgical Hospital in Holguín in the period from January 2018 to January 2020. The study population was 170 patients. The sample consisted of 119 patients selected by simple random sampling. The clinical variables, time of evolution of the disease, evolution of symptoms during treatment with ozone therapy and the effect of treatment and use of analgesics were determined.
Results: The highest proportion of patients were women (90.76%) and patients between 50 and 59 years of age predominated (40.33%); A history of previous manual work between 1 and 3 years prevailed (48.73%) and a history of diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis (17.64% in both); according to the Katz index, it was obtained that 29.41% presented a classic case of the right hand, while 17.64% only had the left hand. At 3 months of treatment, 50 patients had had very good results (42.01%), of them 31 only needed analgesics occasionally and 5 did not need analgesics, 48 patients obtained good results of which 17.64 % took analgesics from occasional way. There were no adverse effects.
Conclusions: Treatment with ozone therapy by infiltration was very good. The use of analgesics was reduced, the symptoms of the disease decreased and the function of the hand improved.
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