Knowledge and concern about rheumatoid arthritis in the population of Huacho, Peru in 2019



arthritis, rheumatoid, knowledge, joints


Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that reaches the muscle-skeletal system harming the cartilaginous tissues and bone tissue, affects almost 1% of the world's population, and in Latin Americans near 0.5%.

Objective: to determine the knowledge and concern about rheumatoid arthritis in the town of the Dura de Huacho, Province of Huaura, Lima Province, Peru.

Methods: A study of type observational, descriptive of cross-sectional and prospective cutting, was performed, a simple probabilistic sample by simple random in the district of Huacho, in the August period - December 2019.

Results: Results were included in the analysis 170 surveys collected in the city of Cuafo. The average age was 56.13 ± 11.6 years. Sex with more knowledge about rheumatoid arthritis were women with 45.9% and 9.4% of men are not known about the disease. 88.2% of the population cares to be able to present some severe pain. 75.3% are concerned about having a functional disability. 88.3% are concerned about presenting deformations that arthritis will cause 70.6% have the fear that arthritis can harbor inflammation in the joints.

Conclusions: It is necessary to implement a plan that is focused on improving the knowledge of citizenship to be diagnosed on time, in a timely manner and having an effective treatment, in order to reduce morbi-mortality in this population.


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Author Biography

Stephany Tafur Contreras, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima

Administradora en Salud


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How to Cite

Crisol-Deza DA, Tafur Contreras S. Knowledge and concern about rheumatoid arthritis in the population of Huacho, Peru in 2019. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];23(2):e202. Available from:



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