Dermatomyositis and its repercussion in the oral cavity
dermatomyositis, bucomaxillofacial manifestations, collagen diseaseAbstract
Introduction: Dermatomyositis is a multisystemic disease of probable autoimmune etiology. This disease is characterized by the appearance of bucomaxillofacial manifestations such as involvement of the temporomandibular joint, secondary with its respective manifestations and periodontitis, among others.
Objective: To identify the main oral and maxillofacial manifestations that can occur in patients diagnosed with dermatomyositis.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, case series study was carried out in patients diagnosed with dermatomyositis. 20 patients with oral and maxillofacial manifestations, diagnosed with dermatomyositis. Guided observation and documentary review were used as investigative techniques to identify the presence of manifestations.
Results: The intraoral location where the most manifestations occurred was in the protective periodontium for 41.8%, in the extraoral the labial region, with 28%, 16 patients presented alterations in the temporomandibular joint, which represented 80%, patients with periodontal disease predominated with 100%.
Conclusions: Lesions in the protective periodontium predominated, there was no great extraoral involvement, 16 patients presented alteration in the temporomandibular joint, the intra-oral injury that was most evident was periodontopathy.
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