Nutritional guidance and physical activity practice in patients with rheumatic diseases
physical activity, rheumatic diseases, nutrition, dietary guidanceAbstract
Rheumatic diseases are a group of conditions that generate a wide variety of clinical manifestations and complications secondary to the clinical activity of the disease. Among the factors that are described can help in the control of clinical activity, drug adherence, nutritional status and the practice of physical activities stand out. The objective of this research was to present the advantages offered by nutritional counseling and the systematic practice of physical activities in patients with rheumatic diseases, as well as the appropriate way to provide advice in both spheres. The report provides the methodological and pedagogical elements that must be met in the nutritional and physical activity orientation of patients. It is concluded that nutritional guidance and the practice of physical activities is an indispensable part of the therapeutic schemes of patients with rheumatic diseases. It is a fundamental element to achieve control of the clinical activity of RD, as well as joint improvement. The general recommendations and the methodological elements that must be followed to provide nutritional advice and advice on physical activities aimed at their incorporation in the daily medical work are exposed.Downloads
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