
Peer Review Process

The revision system of the Cuban Journal of Rheumatology requires the independent and blind evaluation by at least two reviewers who at least use the journal in their assessment process of the contributions that are presented for editing. The blind review implies that the copies received by the arbitrators lack the names of the authors or their institutions that allow their identification. The arbitrators can accept or reject the revision of a work. The authors also do not know who will review their contributions.

The independence of the review is achieved from the masking of the arbitrators with each other. The period of time that the authors must wait to know the results of the review process will be 30 days. The reviewers will have 30 days to perform the review. In justified cases, this last term may be postponed for a further ten days up to a total of 40 days. When some of the deadlines are missed, the arbitration will be assigned to a new arbitrator. The authors must keep a copy of the materials sent to the journal. Copies of the rejected works will be stored permanently on the editorial management platform.

During the arbitration process it is strictly forbidden to use the elements that contain the manuscripts sent to the reviewers for their evaluation for personal purposes, as well as the disclosure of the results in the case of investigations. Materials subject to arbitration can not be reproduced or exposed in other areas until the article is published. The names of the arbitrators who review the contributions will not be revealed. As a stimulus, the magazine has been established since 2010 to congratulate in the last number of the year finalized the referees who participated actively during it.

The authors must submit the modifications requested by the journal within a period of no more than 30 days. In case the modifications made satisfy the requests made to the authors, they will receive the definitive answer about their publication or not in a period not exceeding 30 days. If the doubts, concerns and questions of the reviewers and editors persist, the article may undergo a new round of review. The stage of the publishing process in which each contribution of an author is found can be known through the information offered by the online platform itself.

If during the publication process any conflict of interest arises between arbitrators, editors or any other member of the work team, this should be communicated to the editor of the journal.

It is strictly forbidden for the authors to inquire about who are the arbitrators of their contributions; and establish any relationship with these in relation to your article. This will lead immediately to the substitution of the reviewer or the definitive rejection of the work. Any relationship between reviewer and author will be produced exclusively through the editors of the journal.

In all cases, the editorial committee will consider the value of the proposed works for the development of the National Health System, regardless of the national or foreign origin of the authors or their membership in one or another organization.

Basic criteria for evaluation

The essential criteria that are assessed for the publication of an article are:

  •     Correspondence with the profile of interest of the publication and its readers.
  •     Originality, opportunity, novelty or validity of the proposed study.
  •     Importance for research or practice in the treated field.
  •     Methodological quality and content of the work. Conclusions based on the results and objectives.
  •     Compliance with ethical standards.
  •     Quality of the presentation (structure and writing).
  •     Adequacy, relevance, value and presentation of bibliographical references.
  •     Fulfillment of the instructions for the presentation of the works.


If during the process of editing or final revision of the contributions for publication or preprint phase, an error is detected in any of the above processes, this should be corrected and for this, the participation of the author or the authors of the articles may be required. The fact that a contribution is in the process of being published does not imply that it will be published in its current form but that it has entered into a new review process where the emphasis is on its formal aspects. The author's participation in the editorial process of a contribution concludes only when it has been published and not at the moment when the article reaches the editing process. Therefore, the editors of the journal may request additional information from the authors at any time during the editorial process and not only during the arbitration phase.

Guide for article reviewers of the Cuban Journal
of Rheumatologyl

Publication Frequency

The RCuR initially published two annual issues, which had to be compiled in a single output after 2002, due to difficulties with printing on paper. It was edited in this way until 2009, which was necessary to go exclusively to the digital editing path, with two numbers per volume per year.

Beginning in 2012, three numbers per volume and year begin to be published on a regular basis, a frequency that we currently maintain with the possibility of publishing extraordinary numbers according to the number of articles that are in the editorial mattress and by agreement of the Editorial committee. These numbers are distributed as follows: one at the beginning of the year, publishing the articles made in the period between the last months of the previous year, where the scientific activities of the Cuban Society of Rheumatology and the studies presented in congresses are published. , national days and events of the specialty, which are usually done in these months, another between the first four months of the current year, and the third included in the middle months of the same year. If necessary, a fourth number or a supplement within the required volume would be included.

The articles accepted for publication can be published collectively, as part of a number within its table of contents, or included individually as soon as they are ready for publication, adding them to the current number once the arbitration process has been completed. and layout, with a delivery of monthly articles until completing each number once the period of time stipulated for them has ended; taking advantage of this form, the possibilities offered by the Open Journal Systems platform, to gradually complete the numbers, avoiding the delay of putting the articles online after completing the arbitration, editing and layout process.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.


This Jounal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file among the participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. To amplify information...

Cuban Journal of Rheumatology

The Cuban Journal of Rheumatology is the official organ of the Cuban Society of Rheumatology and the National Rheumatology Group, was founded in 1998 with a biannual periodicity; initially it began to be published in printed format with a print run of 500 copies and dimensions: 18.5 x 25 cm, and approximately 80 pages, its RNPS: 0401 and its ISSN: 1606-5581.

As of 2005, its digital edition began simultaneously in the PDF and HTLM electronic formats through the website of the specialty of rheumatology, and with RNPS: 2116 and ISSN: 1817-5996, gradually incorporating all previously printed numbers.

Currently, its digital version is supported by the Open Journal System, whose home page is: http://www.revreumatologia.sld.cu/index.php/reumatologia/index