Usefulness of C-reactive protein in the immediate postoperative period of rheumatic patients with acute appendicitis


  • María Ximena Chiliquinga Cando Hospital General del Puyo


rheumatoid arthritis, appendicitis, rheumatic disease, inflammation, c-reactive protein, Sjögren's syndrome


Rheumatic diseases are a group of conditions characterized by the presence of systemic manifestations and complications derived from the sustained inflammatory process. Acute phase reactants, such as C-reactive protein, constitute a marker of disease activity. However, its usefulness is magnified in those rheumatic patients who have to undergo surgery, being an efficient marker that shows the magnitude of the inflammatory process. We present the case of a 53-year-old female patient diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and secondary Sjögren's syndrome who had to undergo surgery due to a diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Clinical and laboratory follow-up was performed using C-reactive protein as the marker of choice to monitor the intensity of the inflammatory process resulting from the surgical intervention and its effects on the clinical activity of underlying rheumatic diseases.


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Author Biography

María Ximena Chiliquinga Cando, Hospital General del Puyo

Médico general


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How to Cite

Chiliquinga Cando MX. Usefulness of C-reactive protein in the immediate postoperative period of rheumatic patients with acute appendicitis. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 2022 May 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];24(2):e282. Available from:



Studies of cases