Demography broad in the hands osteoarthritis
osteoarthritis, hands osteoarthritis, nodule´s Heberden, nodule´s Bouchard, rizarthrosis of the thumbAbstract
Introduction: The hands osteoarthritis is a degenerative illness that affects fundamentally to the feminine sex, it is known that he/she has a strong genetic component and it is, inside the degenerative illnesses, one of those that more precociously appears.Objective: To determine the demographic characteristic partner of the patients with osteoarthritis of hands assisted in the rheumatology center
Methodology: I study descriptive. For the positive diagnosis they were kept in mind the approaches of the American College Rheumatology. The demographic variable partner was described obtained through a survey that contained so much clinical elements as radiological useful to confirm the diagnosis of the illness
Results: The age average was off 54.74 years. The biggest gender frequency corresponded to the feminine gender with 83.33 %. The time of more frequent evolution was the one understood between 1 and 5 years. 47.29 % of the patients presented a comorbidity’s and/or noxious habit at least. The affection pattern to articulate more frequent in the hand it was the mixed followed by the affectation of the interfalángicas distils
Conclusions: The increment of the time of evolution and the comorbidity’s presence influenced negatively in the taking of more than a group to articulate.
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