Ethical considerations in the rheumatic illnesses attention
chronic illnesses, rheumatic illnesses, ethics, bioethicsAbstract
Although one knows that the exercise of the medicine is only one, every day different conflicts related with the characteristics of the illness of the patients are presented that are assisted in different specialties. This way, the doctors that are related with the attention of the children, go into in conflicts like child abuse or the use of new drugs in pediatric affections, those that assist pregnant they fight between the conflict of the abortion and the care, so much of the mother as of the fetus during the gestation, of this form the professionals that attend patients that suffer of rheumatics illnesses, confront to ethical conflicts relations by a relation that will extend by a long period of time, that many times includes all the life of the patient, taking a very significant connotation the particular characteristics of the medical relation-patient, in this qualitative study show those ethical conflicts more frequent presented in the Rheumatogy Center, and the forms to solve them support in the learning of the clinical bioethics through the time.Downloads
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