Tutorship. Influential aspects of the resident- tutor binomial relationship from the student perspective
Tutorship, resident-tutor binomial relationship, student perspective.Abstract
Introduction: To reflect on influential aspects of the resident- tutor binomial relationship from the student perspective.
Development: In current scientific literature multiple functions are assigned to the tutor. Tutorship in medical specialties in the Iberic- American region is a theme of validity, pertinence and concern in contemporaneity. Particularly on the issue of availability of these human resources in some countries.
Findings: The tutor's figure is the fundamental axis of the resident´s formation, from therefore the importance of delving into tutorship and the factors that permeate the resident-tutor binomial relationship at the present time, delimited in this work in four main areas: functions, teaching formation, recognition and availability. The analysis of each of them leads to a better representation of the challenges that crosses the resident- tutor relationship in varied contexts.
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