Capacidad aeróbica, fuerza muscular, niveles séricos de fosfocreatincinasa y pruebas ergométricas en pacientes con polimiositis y/o dermatomiositis
dermatomyositis / polymyositis, inflammatory idyopatic myopaty, aerobic capacity, muscular force, muscular enzymes, phosphokreatincinase.Abstract
Introduction: Polimiositis is a connective tissue disease characterized by the presence of proximal muscular weakness of breathing muscles, myocardium and deglution muscles. When it is associated with skin manifestations it is denominated dermatomiositis.Objective: To determine the aerobic capacity, muscular force and phosphokreatincinase levels in serum, as well as to carry out the ergometric tests in patients with dermatomiositis / polimiositis suspicion.
Methodology: Descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study. For the positive diagnosis we were use Bohman and cols criteria. We describe the age and gender at the diagnosis. The aerobic capacity was calculated determining the maximum oxygen consumption according to Balke protocol. Muscular force was evaluated according to the Medical Research Council scale. The determination of phosphokreatincinase levels in serum was carried out using an enzymatic test that determines the enzyme activity in serum. The arterial tension was measured in a manual way with the use of a sphygmomanometer; the heart frequency was measured using a monitor.
Results: The biggest gender frequency corresponded to the feminine one with 63,3 %. The biggest age frequency was the group understood between the 42 and 52 years with 36,4 %. The biggest frequency with regard to the evaluation of the muscular pelvic force corresponded to the 4th grade with 72,7 %. The biggest frequency according to the range of phosphokreatincinase serum concentrations at the moment of diagnosis corresponded to the group with concentration from 0 to 200 UI with 54,5 %. The biggest frequency according to the time of duration of the effort test corresponded to the group from 6,1 to 10 minutes with 72,7 %. The biggest frequency according to the pulse in rest corresponded to the group from 71 to 100 pulsations per minute with 54,6 %. A tendency is observed to a bigger frequency of patient in the ranges of 60-70 and of 71-99 pulsations per minute during the ergometric test, while one observes a tendency to a bigger frequency of patient in the ranges of 71-99 and 100 and more pulsations per minute after the ergometric test. The biggest frequency according to the aerobic capacity measured through the maximum oxygen consumption corresponded to the 17,0-24,4 mL / kg / min group with 45,4 %.
Conclusions: Muscular pelvic force and phosphokreatincinase concentration evaluation constituted an important approaches that allowed to arrive to positive diagnosis. The not total recovery of pulse and of diastolic arterial tension after the ergometric test could be associated to some dysfunction in the regulation mechanisms of pulse frequency and arterial tension. Most of the studied patients present limited capacity in the realization of big efforts.
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