Rheumatoid factor. Association with atherogenic risk markers in rheumatoid arthritis patients
rheumatic factor, rheumatoid arthritis, atherogenic risk’sAbstract
The IgM rheumatic factor has been the most associated autoantibody to the rheumatoid arthritis. In spite of achieved results about its pathogenesis, the analysis of the association between that antibody and atherogenic risk’s markers it has not used up in this illness. In orden to evaluate the association of IgM rheumatoid factor with the atherogenic risk’s markers lipoprotein(a), apolipoproteín B/apolipoproteín A1, LDL/HDL cholesterol, apolipoproteín B/LDL cholesterol and atherogenic ratios; as well as the predictive value of that antibody above these ones, carried out an observational cross-sectional study in rheumatoid arthritis patients and healthy Matanzas people’s sample since june/2011 to march/2014. The IgM rheumatic factor showed association with the atherogenic, LDL/HDL cholesterol, and apolipoproteína B/LDL cholesterol ratios, usefulness to estimate the first two ones, as well as predictive value over the atherogenic index independent to the disease activity markers: c reactive protein, complement C3, complement C4 and DAS28 in the patients with the illness’s seropositive rheumatoid factor form [Pearson’ r = 0,637; 0,345; (-) 0,359; R2= 0,406; and 0,119 (p < 0,05), respectively]. The present investigation showed relation, predictive value, and able to indirectly stratify the seropositive rheumatoid arthritis patients’coronary risk from IgM rheumatoid factor’s serum title; and motive to extend the study of the same scientific problem about antibodies associated with anothers autoimmunity diseases related to high cardiovascular morbimortality.Downloads
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