Clinical epidemiologic patients' characterization with systemic sclerosis in Holguín
Systemic sclerosis, prevalence, systemic affectation, index of activityAbstract
The systemic sclerosis, it is a disease generalized of the conjunctive tissue of ethiology been ignorant of with an incidence that you oscillate, according to the series published, between two and 10 new cases by million inhabitants a year. You predominate in the female sex. The half an age of debut is around the 40 years. The studies, on the basis of scarce series, reveal clinical, epidemiologic characteristics of the disease in Cuba. They get predominance from digestive and respiratory system, as well as some revisions of the medical treatment relating to the commitment of internal organs. The sick patients' behavior is not known at Holguín's province. Describing the characteristics of these sick persons relating to epidemiologic variables and clinics of concern it is the objective of this study of series of cases with universe of 44 patients with diagnosis of the disease. The skin, the system musculoesquelético and the microvascular affect themselves precociously. They joined bigger rate of activity and severity, clinical criteria like the affectation of internal organs (GIT and respiratory), accelerated eritrosedimentation and circulating elevated inmunocomplejos. The principal fatal causes were the renal disease and the grave infections.
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