Musculoskeletal complications of diabetes mellitus
health care, prevention, musculoskeletal complications, diabetes mellitusAbstract
Introduction: diabetes is conceived as a genetically determined endocrine and metabolic disease and distinguished by a partial or total deficit in the secretion of insulin, a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. Little has been written about the musculoskeletal complications caused by this disease.
Objective: to reflect on the main musculoskeletal complications caused by diabetes mellitus.
Development: periarticular, joint and skeletal, periarticular and muscular syndromes stand out among the main musculoskeletal complications caused by diabetes mellitus.
Conclusions: Rheumatic disorders are common in diabetes mellitus and their typologies are considered broad. Many of these characteristics are linked to the duration of the disease, the poor control of the condition and other chronic manifestations of diabetes. It is established as possible in most cases that an appropriate control of diabetes can prevent most of these conditions. Generally, the general practitioner is oriented to the cardiovascular, renal and ocular complications of the diabetic patient because they represent a great affectation in morbidity and mortality. However, rheumatic complications in diabetics can produce considerable disability. For this reason, they should be included in the design of strategies to improve the clinical management and quality of life of diabetic patients.
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