Medical students´ knowledge about the most common ophthalmological conditions in the practice of rheumatology
ophthalmologic manifestations, rheumatic diseases, rheumatologyAbstract
Introduction: in the undergraduate training must be given due importance to the teaching of rheumatology because of its multidisciplinary character, which demands a future health professional able to assess and recognize even from classrooms and laboratories, the social and health implications between rheumatic and ocular diseases because the correct diagnosis of these can help highlighting the role of the systemic process and vice versa.
Objective: to assess the level of medical students´ knowledge about the most common ophthalmological conditions in the practice of rheumatology.
Methods: the research was carried out in the Faculty of Medicine belonging to the Universidad Regional Autonomy de los Andes from March to May, 2017. It is a descriptive, transversal and analytical study. The universe was constituted by 166 students of sixth and seventh semesters and the sample of study was constituted by 75 students of each semester selected at random. The majority presence of women characterizes the sample object of study (53.3 % against 46.7 % of men). The maximum and minimum ages were 21 and 26 years old respectively, with a higher average age in the seventh semester. A previously validated survey was applied that allowed evaluating the knowledge related to the most frequent ophthalmologic manifestations.
Conclusions: the level of knowledge on the ophthalmologic manifestations in the practice of rheumatology is not good, so it is suggested to resize the teaching process, favoring the practical training that must characterize the teaching of undergraduate to deepen the management of these entities.
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