Role of the stomatologist in the therapeutic approach of aphtosis in Behçet's disease
Behçet's disease, Oral ulcers, aphthous stomatitisAbstract
Introduction: Aphthae and oral ulcers are a frequent reason for consulting the stomatologist. Aphthous are a particular form of oral ulceration. Aphtosis is defined by the recurrent nature of multiple aphthae that progress through episodes of 3-10 days and are repeated at least twice a year.
Objective: To describe the main aspects of the Behçet disease that could be useful to the stomatologist.
Development: Behçet's disease is an immune-mediated systemic vasculitis characterized by a characteristic triad of ocular lesions, recurrent oral and genital ulcers. Oral aphtosis and Behçet's disease seem to be due to the same pathogenic mechanism, but we still have to find the reasons why the former is limited to the oral cavity and the latter is systemic. Because recurrent oral ulcers are found in the same way in this disease and EB, it should be considered as a differential diagnosis of EB.
Conclusions: The role of stomatologists is important to establish the diagnosis of Behçet's disease, since they could be the first to detect it. Recurrent oral ulcers are a common initial symptom of EB. A multidisciplinary approach is required to diagnose and treat the disease.
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