Pancreatitis and acute appendicitis as a complication in a patient with mixed connective tissue disease
acute abdomen, acute appendicitis, quality of life, autoimmune disease, mixed connective tissue disease, acute pancreatitisAbstract
Introduction: mixed connective tissue disease is a condition that includes clinical manifestations of various rheumatic diseases. It is characterized above all by the presence of affectation in all organs and organ systems of the human body. Complications related to the digestive system have been identified as one of the most frequent. Pancreatitis and appendicitis usually occur in isolation, but when presented in unison, they complicate the evolution of the patient even more.Objective: to present the clinical, laboratory and imaging elements that make it possible to reach the diagnosis of appendicitis and pancreatitis in a patient with mixed connective tissue disease.
Clinical case: the case of a 29-year-old patient with a diagnosis of mixed connective tissue disease of 3 years of evolution is presented, which is referred to the emergency service with clinical, laboratory and imaging elements that allow to reach the diagnosis of a appendicitis and pancreatitis of joint presentation.
Conclusions: Mixed connective tissue disease is a systemic disease that presents with a wide variety of clinical manifestations and complications. Acute processes such as appendicitis and pancreatitis pose an added danger and a triggering factor in the activity of the disease.
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