Behavior of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type III in a cohort of 8 cases
rheumatoid arthritis, mellitus diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, spondyloarthropathies, polyglandular syndrome, vitiligoAbstract
Introduction: autoimmune polyglandular syndrome is a condition that is characterized by the presence of several conditions among which the presence of insulin-dependent diabetes, thyroid disease and non-thyroid autoimmune disease is fundamental. There may be other specific conditions such as vitiligo, psoriasis, alopecia and pernicious anemia among others.
Objective: to know the clinical and epidemiological behavior of type III autoimmune polyglandular syndrome in patients with rheumatic diseases.
Methodo: estudio de tipo descriptivo y retrospectivo, de una serie de 8 casos con presencia de enfermedades que permiten el diagnóstico de síndrome autoinmune tipo III. Se procedió a realizar una revisión exhaustiva de las historias clínicas que posibilitó la recogida de la información mediante un cuestionario creado específicamente para la investigación. La información recogida permitió describir las variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y de laboratorio planteadas para la investigación.
Results: the average age was 47.34 ± 5 years. 87.5 % corresponded to the female sex and 75 % of the cases reported some harmful habit, of which the one with the highest representation (83.3 %) was a sedentary lifestyle. Hypothyroidism (87.5 %) and Sjögren's syndrome (37.5 %) were the diseases that most frequently occurred.
Conclusions: autoimmune polyglandular syndrome is a multiple condition that includes various conditions generating polypharmacy that could negatively affect the therapeutic adherence of these patients. The presence of harmful habits can be considered as a possible triggering agent of many of the conditions that make up the syndrome. There is a tendency to minimize the importance of dermatological conditions, which causes underreporting.
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