Application of intercalenic ozone in cervical radiculopathy due to herniated disc
cervical herniated disc, ozone therapy, intercalenic pathwayAbstract
Introduction: Ozone is a medical gas described since the nineteenth century that has had its evolution up to date in terms of its applications and its usefulness in various diseases for its performance at the molecular level and dissimilar diseases associated with painful processes of inflammatory origin such as those present in herniated discs of the spine.
Method: Retrospective study with 20 patients assisted in the outpatient consultation of the Hospital Miguel Enríquez from December 2016 to April 2017 with the diagnosis of a cervical radiculopathy by herniated disc. 10 ML of ozone was applied with a concentration of 22 mg/liter three times in the week for 10 weeks only this type of therapy was used; getting improvement in 15 patients.
Results: predominating the older than 51 years for 50 %, in our series predominated the female sex for 80 %. As for the clinical picture, decreased muscle strength was prevailed for 60% in 12 patients, followed by cervical pain and interescapular for 75 % and 55 % respectively. We found improvement in 15 patients for 75 % and in the other 5, in three patients did not continue the treatment and in two no improvement was obtained.
Conclusions: We have another alternative in the application of ozone by the interscalenic space as analgesic and anti-inflammatory treatment in cervical herniated discus radiculopathy.
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