Case Presentation of a ruptured lumbosacral meningocele in an adult patient
Spina bifida, Malformation, Myelomeningocele, Neurological sequelAbstract
Spina bifida, or myelodysplasia, is a multifactorial congenital anomaly that occurs most frequently during embryonic development. It is produced by the partial closure of the neural folds together with a defective fusion of the vertebral arches. Its clinic is variable and includes a series of manifestations as an expression of neurological compromise. The diagnosis is based on the presence of clinical manifestations, aided by imaging studies. Surgical correction of the defect is the therapeutic conduct that is recommended as adequate. This report presents the case of a 34-year-old patient with uncorrected myelomeningocele in childhood who presented with infectious and neurological sequelae complications.
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