COVID-19, systemic lupus erythematosus and pregnancy, a dangerous association
COVID-19, rheumatic disease, gestation, systemic lupus erythematosusAbstract
COVID-19 has been at the center of the global medical landscape since its inception. The rapid spread, the varied number of clinical manifestations, complications and the high number of deaths are elements that characterize the disease. It affects people of any age, condition and gender. The objective of this report is to present the clinical evolution of a 22-year-old female patient, with a gestation of 28,3 weeks at which the diagnosis of COVID-19 is confirmed. During the course of the respiratory disease the clinical activity of lupus exacerbates and general, musculoskeletal, respiratory and hemorrhagic manifestations occur. The patient evolved favorably, she was discharged at 27 days and physiologically ended her gestation at 38,6 weeks with a 3050 g full-term newborn.
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