Acute Cholangitis Secondary to Choledocholithiasis in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
cholangitis, cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde, choledocholithiasis, systemic lupus erythematosusAbstract
Acute cholangitis is an inflammatory disease of the bileducts that represents the most frequent complication of
biliary obstruction. The therapeutic approach requires
urgent treatment, assessment of its evolution and
generally biliary drainage with the use of endoscopic
methods. To present clinical, laboratory and imaging
elements that allow diagnosing the presence of acute
cholangitis secondary to choledocholithiasis in a lupic
patient and its therapeutic management. Clinical case:
female patient, 37 years old, who goes to emergency
services with clinical, laboratory and imaging
manifestations that allow diagnosing acute cholangitis
secondary to choledocholithiasis. The presence of lithiasis
in the bile ducts triggers inflammatory processes, with
symptoms ranging from mild to very severe and imply
inpatient management of the patient. Endoscopy, in this
case, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography,
represents a significant decrease in morbidity and
mortality in patients, compared to the use of surgical
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