Occupational stress and self-perception of health in doctors and nurses in the emergency area in Riobamba, Ecuador
Self-perception of health, Quality of life, Work Stress, Mental Health, Burnout SyndromeAbstract
Introduction: Work stress is considered a specific form of stress that is directly related to the work context. Different situations or factors that act in isolation or together as stressors may intervene in its appearance. The presence of work stress conditions different degrees of damage to the worker's health.
Objective: To determine the degree of association between work stress and self-perception of health in doctors and nurses in the emergency area of the Hospital de Especialidades San Juan, in Riobamba City, Chimborazo, Ecuador.
Methods: A basic, non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive research was carried out in a universe of 57 workers, of which 51 made up the study population. Work stress and health self-perception questionnaires were applied. Pearson's correlation test was used to identify a relationship between the variables used in the research.
Results: Predominance of patients exposed to work stress, with emphasis on the dimension of lack of cohesion (84.51%). Nursing staff suffered greater exposure to work stress. The dimension of lack of cohesion (97.50%) was the dimension most exposed in the nursing staff.
Conclusion: There was a predominance of health professionals with health problems and exposed to work stress, the latter was more frequent in nursing personnel. A considerable negative correlation was identified between work stress and self-perceived health.
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