Food security in rural areas of the Chimborazo province, Ecuador
access to food, healthy nutrition, food safetyAbstract
Introduction: Food security is a broad concept that includes multiple factors that in one way or another affect the population's access to quality food. Only in this way will it be possible to meet the long-awaited goal of having a healthy diet that not only minimizes the appearance of diseases, but also helps to control existing ones.
Objective: To determine the behavior of food security in the rural population of the Colta canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador.
Methods: Basic, field, descriptive and cross-sectional research carried out in the Colta canton, Chimborazo province, with a total population of 410 families dedicated to the cultivation of quinoa. The sample was made up of 210 farmers. The Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale was used to determine food security and its related elements.
Results: In 56.67% of the families food insecurity was identified; being more significant in families with children under 18 years of age (66.67%). Slight food insecurity predominated (73.95%). The lack of economic resources (86.55%), the high cost of food (76.49%), problems related to physical access to food (74.79%) and inadequate health coverage (74, 79%) were the determinants most referred to as a cause of food insecurity.
Conclusions: The high percentage of food insecurity was more prevalent in families with people under 18 years of age within their family composition. The elements related to the economic issue were the most referenced as determinants of food insecurity.
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