Derived ophthalmic manifestations of the treatment of the rheumatic illnesses
ocular injuries, rheumatic’s illnesses, rheumatics therapyAbstract
It realized an observational study, descriptive, prospective and longitudinal in 180 patients, with diagnostic of rheumatic’s illnesses that attended to external query of ophthalmology of the “Hospital Docente Clinico Quirurgico 10 de Octubre” in the period of January 2013 to January 2014 and expressed his consent to participate in the same. To each patient realized him a survey that comprised an ophthalmologic examination and completed the study with the Amsler test and the refraction to determine the presence of ocular injuries associated to the different therapeutic modalities employees in the treatment of these illnesses. The demonstrations ophthalmologic derivatives of the treatment of the rheumatic’s illnesses result frequent. The frequency more ties of this type of complications was related with the treatments steroids and the development of cataract *subcapsular back; the tanks cornels resulted to be the most frequent complication but in the use of the cloroquina. The treatment with ant inflammations no steroids presented little frequency of ocular complications, between them, the diplopia and the bleeding conjunctive.
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