Behaviors of the Still illness of the adult in the Rheumatology Center
Still illness, factor rheumatoid, arthritisAbstract
Introduction: The illness of the adult's Still a not very common entity, of unknown etiologic whose I diagnose is based on the combination of clinical discoveries and laboratory. It is considered like a frequent cause of the syndrome of fever of unknown origin.
Objective: To know the behavior of the illness of the adult's Still in patients assisted in the rheumatology center.
Methodology: I study descriptive. For the positive diagnosis they were kept in mind the approaches of Cush. The variable sociodemographic was described, clinical and laboratory.
Results: To 80% of the patients he/she was carried out the diagnosis of the illness before the 35 years of age, sex difference didn't exist, they prevailed as more frequent clinical manifestation the fever followed by the arthritis. The patients presented elevation of the sharp phase reactants and they were seronegative. 60 % responded to the steroids use combined with antimalarial and to the remaining 40 % it was necessary to add methotrexate to achieve control of the illness.
Conclusions: The illness of Still generally appears in early ages of the life, its clinical behavior and laboratory as well as the execution of the approaches of classification of the illness facilitates the diagnosis of the same one. The treatment of the illness is based on the steroids use, antimalarial and other modifier combined drug therapy of the illness like the methotrexate.
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