Common bioethical dilemmas in hospital care
hospital car, ethics, bioethical dilemmaAbstract
Introduction: Bioethics is the philosophy standardizing, regulating and punishing medical practice and performance approaching of medicine as both art and science supported by the growing technological revolution. Every health professional and technician in their professional activity is expected to perform the care practice based on the principles of goodness -not the maleficence-, justice and the autonomy of the person.
Objective: To reflect about some dilemmas or ethical errors more frequent in hospital clinical practice.
Synthesis: Some controversial situations in hospital centers include the patient's little participation in medical decisions during the disease process, difficulties in communicating with the patient due to distortion or misinterpretation of the approaches, inappropriate use of the patient interview and overvaluation of diagnostic methods compared to the clinical method.
Conclusions: The code of ethics and the principles of medical ethics are universal and constitute the common language in the concert of all nations for health practices regardless of whether each country has its own rules, regulations and resolutions that regulate or model the professional conduct, but do not guarantee by themselves the ethical practice of Medicine but they make up an important referential framework. In the daily care practice, professionals show the competences learned during the previous training process and its application in the healthcare and working scenario.
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