Morphological changes in connective tissue diseases


  • Luis Alberto Poalasín Narváez Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Chimborazo.
  • Sonia Noemí González Benítez Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Chimborazo
  • Eduardo Lino Bascó Fuentes Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Chimborazo
  • Ana María González Gavilánez Hospital Pediátrico Baca Ortiz. Pichincha



morphological changes, connective tissue diseases, , multi-systemic, autoimmune disease


Introduction: Connective tissue diseases are a health concern for healthcare institutions in any country, not only because of the symptoms they present, which is a reason for frequent medical attention, but also because of the need for care, high health costs and the great negative effects on the quality of life generated in the lives of people who suffer from them. 
Objective: To reflect about some connective tissue diseases and their structural and morphological complications.
Development: During the analysis of the consulted literature, we could verify the existence of a group of systemic autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis, inflammatory myopathies, antiphospholipid syndrome, Sjögren's syndrome and systemic necrotizing vasculitis, which has drawn the specialists' attention. 
Conclusions: Most of these conditions develop with pain, discomfort and limitations to perform activities of daily life, a reason why patients often feel distressed, particularly because these are diseases that can cause irreversible damage with a not always favorable prognosis and whose response to specific treatment is not always satisfactory, which accentuates the discomfort and symptoms in general and gives rise to spiritual anguish and suffering in the patient and their relatives.


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Author Biographies

Luis Alberto Poalasín Narváez, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Chimborazo.

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Salud Especialidad: Fisioterapia. Diploma Superior en Docencia en Ciencias de la Salud.

Sonia Noemí González Benítez, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Chimborazo

Master en Enfermedades Infecciosas. Doctora en Medicina. Especialista de 1er Grado en Microbiología.

Eduardo Lino Bascó Fuentes, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Chimborazo

Doctor en Medicina. Doctor en Ciencias Médicas. Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana.

Ana María González Gavilánez, Hospital Pediátrico Baca Ortiz. Pichincha

Médico General.


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How to Cite

Poalasín Narváez LA, González Benítez SN, Bascó Fuentes EL, González Gavilánez AM. Morphological changes in connective tissue diseases. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];20(3):e36. Available from:



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