Rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy, about a case
rheumatoid arthritis, quality of life, prenatal control, pregnancyAbstract
Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic and chronic inflammatory disease that, although it usually has its peak of incidence in older ages, can also present at younger ages of life. The pregnancy is these patients is considered a situation of high risk due to the same activity of the disease and the possible teratogenic effect that can be derived from the use of many of the drugs that are generally used in these cases. However, proper planning, adequate gynecobysteometric and rheumatological follow-up, and systematic assessment of disease activity are the basic elements of medical care during this period.
Objective: to present the fundamental elements of the pregnancy follow-up in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Clinical case: We present the case of a 23-year-old patient with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis of 5 years of evolution who conceives a pregnancy that with all medical care is achieved a happy term.
Conclusions: as rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of complex evolution young patients have some fear of pregnancy, however, during pregnancy there is some clinical improvement of arthritis. It is essential to guarantee as little activity as possible so that it does not affect prognosis and maternal and fetal health.
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