Seasonal variation of upper gastrointestinal bleeding
upper digestive hemorrhage, hematemesis, melenemesis, tarry stools, hematocheziaAbstract
Introduction: The High Digestive Hemorrhage represents one of the most frequent causes of morbidity and mortality in the General Surgery Services and it is specifically the first cause of mortality in our service. It constitutes a very frequent medical-surgical emergency.
Objective: to determine the existence of a seasonal pattern in the incidence of HDA in winter and its relationship with risk factors.
Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out with a longitudinal design in which patients affected by HDA were studied. These patients were assisted at “Dr. Miguel Enriquez Hospital” between December 2017 and January 2020. The study group was composed of all the patients who came to our emergency services with manifestations of bleeding from the upper digestive tract. The sample was made up of 151 patients who presented a diagnosis of HDA at the time of their admission.
Results: The predominant sex was male and the age over 60 years old. The season with the highest incidence of this digestive complication was winter (December, January and February). The risk factors that predominated in our study were toxic habits and ingestion of AINES, ASA. The predominant form of presentation of the HDA were tarry stools, being the Duodenal Peptic Ulcer the main etiology.
Conclusions: Cases with Upper Digestive Bleeding predominated in the winter season and the most frequent risk factors were toxic habits and the use of NSAIDs in relation to the seasonal period.
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