Reactive arthritis as a musculoskeletal manifestation of COVID-19
reactive arthritis, COVID-19, joint inflammation, clinical manifestationsAbstract
COVID-19 or coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-COV2 virus, with multiple clinical manifestations; being fever, cough and dyspnea the most prevalent. However, other manifestations are reported as part of the disease, including rheumatological ones. We present the case of a 28-year-old male patient who presented with pain and inflammation in both knees that limited ambulation. With a history of respiratory infection (COVID-19) about 21 days ago in which he presented light respiratory manifestations. The clinical manifestations, maneuvers performed and results of complementary examinations; among them, the finding of synovial fluid with inflammatory characteristics confirmed the diagnosis of reactive arthritis as part of the expression of COVID-19. Appropriate treatment was implemented and the patient evolved satisfactorily. The objective of this report is to describe the presence of reactive arthritis secondary to SARS-COV2 infection, establishing its relationship by describing a clinical case. We proceeded to write up the positive clinical findings in the aforementioned patient. In addition, an active and updated search in scientific data sources to establish the relationship between these two entities. It is concluded that it is necessary to consider the expression of reactive arthritis in patients who have presented COVID-19; as interrelated diseases, which should not be viewed as separated entities.
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