Gout Arthritis. Ten years of follow up


  • Yanelis Vizcaino Luna “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Clinical Surgical University Hospital. University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6145-6560
  • Witjal Manuel Bermúdez Marrero Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Cuba. Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico "Arnaldo Milián Castro" https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2323-7065
  • William Alejandro Bermúdez Marrero Santa Clara Clinic, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara
  • Jorge Luis Egües Mesa “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Clinical Surgical University Hospital, Associate Lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara
  • Tamara Cárdenas Domínguez University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara
  • Eric Prendes García “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Clinical Surgical University Hospital, Associate Lecturer, Department of Neurology, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara

Palabras clave:

gouty arthritis, gout, uric acid, hyperuricaemia


Introduction: Gouty arthritis is a persistent metabolic disease that produces an increase of the circulating uric acid, with the resulting deposit of monosodic urate crystals in the tissues.
: To characterize patients with gouty arthritis clinically and epidemiologically.
: A descriptive investigation of 72 patients with a diagnosis of gouty arthritis, assisted at Arnaldo Milián Castro Clinical Surgical University Hospital was carried out from January 2008 to December 2017.
: Patients between 40 and 49 years of age were the most representative group with a highest incidence in not white patients and the male sex. Obesity and hypertension prevailed as previous personal antecedents. Alcohol intake was the most represented toxic habit.  A crisis of inflammation of the big toe was the more frequent starting manifestation. Swelling of soft tissues was the main radiologic alteration.
Conclusion: Gouty arthritis is present with a highest frequency in the male sex with a peak of incidence in the fourth decade of life. It is associated to bad diet habits and alcohol intake that could cause joint damage.


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Biografía del autor/a

Yanelis Vizcaino Luna, “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Clinical Surgical University Hospital. University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara

Consultant Rheumatologist, Assistant Professor and Researcher, Division of Rheumatology,  Associate Lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatric Medicine.

Witjal Manuel Bermúdez Marrero, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Cuba. Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico "Arnaldo Milián Castro"

Especialista de IGrado en MGI. Especialista de I Grado en Reumatología.Jefe del Servicio de Reumatología Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico " Arnaldo Milián Castro".  Profesor Asistente e Investigador Agregado de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara.

William Alejandro Bermúdez Marrero, Santa Clara Clinic, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara

Consultant in General Medicine. Professor of Family Medicine

Jorge Luis Egües Mesa, “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Clinical Surgical University Hospital, Associate Lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara

Consultant Rheumatologist, Assistant Professor, Division of Rheumatology

Tamara Cárdenas Domínguez, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara

Consultant Physician, Assistant Professor of Embryologic, Vice-Dean

Eric Prendes García, “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Clinical Surgical University Hospital, Associate Lecturer, Department of Neurology, University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Villa Clara

Consultant Clinician, Assistant Professor, Division of Neurology


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Cómo citar

Vizcaino Luna Y, Bermúdez Marrero WM, Bermúdez Marrero WA, Egües Mesa JL, Cárdenas Domínguez T, Prendes García E. Gout Arthritis. Ten years of follow up. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 24 de junio de 2019 [citado 12 de febrero de 2025];21(3):e105. Disponible en: https://revreumatologia.sld.cu/index.php/reumatologia/article/view/717



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