Behcet's disease
disease Behçet, Behçet syndrome, oral ulcers, genital ulcers, uveitisAbstract
The Behçet's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease, recurrent, multisystem of unknown etiology. All events are self-limited except the ocular condition. It characterized by periods of exacerbation remission and unpredictable frequency and duration. Is based the diagnosis is based on the association of especially bipolar aphthosis, skin manifestations, uveitis and affectation of great vessels. In the absence of these signs is more difficult to confirm the diagnosis. The lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system is less frequent, even so may threaten the patient's life. The susceptibility of Behçet´s disease is strongly associated with the presence of HILA -B51 allele. The neurological manifestations are signs of malignancy.Downloads
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