Advances in health care in rheumatic diseases
healthcare, rheumatoid diseases, advancesAbstract
Introduction: Rheumatic diseases, due to their natural evolution, bring with them effects on the quality of life of the people carrying this conditions, which is why their early diagnosis, timely treatment and prevention are of vital importance. The knowledge of contemporary advances in health care is a tool to help when making clinical decisions in daily practice, although the final decision on the diagnostic or therapeutic approach of a specific patient will depend on the characteristics of the same.
Objective: To discuss some advances in health care in rheumatoid diseases.
Development: Due to the fact that in clinical practice discordant results are frequently found, the updating of topics such as these allows to socialize the results obtained with professionals of the guild, to show the most effective strategies or the best methods for the early diagnosis, treatment and management of these diseases, on the basis of assistance and research experiences in various regions of the world or in different contexts.
Conclusions: For a better control of rheumatic diseases requires a strategy of articulation where the strengths of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention are exploited, where the professionals in accordance with their competence execute actions that prevent the serious complications of these diseases and where properly treat infectious processes in particular, those produced by Streptococcus A, among others. Results of several clinical trials and therapeutic trials work with novel biological drugs, assessing their effectiveness, identifying adverse effects, assessing the risk-benefit ratio and the convenience of these forming part of the treatment scheme against various targets.
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