Fracture of sternum, fixation with blade and screws. Review of the literature on a case


  • Javier Mellado Herrera Hospital Miguel Enríquez. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Miguel Enríquez. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. La Habana
  • Javier de Jesús Mellado Soler Hospital Miguel Enríquez. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Miguel Enríquez. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. La Habana



sternum fracture, fixing with sheet and screws.


Introduction: isolated fractures of the sternum are infrequent, representing 8% of the income from chest trauma, and there are few reports in the medical literature. The treatment usually consists of resting, taking medications to relieve pain and encouraging deep breathing exercises to avoid localized collapse of the lungs. In more severe sternal fractures, such as those with bone displacement, they may require surgical intervention to restore bone alignment and fix the bones, using wires, nails or plates with screws.
Objective: to demonstrate the efficacy of osteosynthesis with lamina and screws in the sternal fracture with bone displacement.
Method: We present a case through a work where we describe the diagnosis and treatment of a patient who suffered a rainfall of around 5 meters and received a direct trauma to the anterior aspect of the thorax, with the diagnosis of isolated fracture of the sternum with large bone displacement. Intense chest pain
Results: we carried out a surgical treatment to restore the bone alignment and fix the bones by using foil and screws, the evolution was satisfactory and in the ten months after the patient remained without symptoms and we removed the lamina.
Conclusions: this modality of reduction and osteosynthesis is a fast and effective procedure, without leaving sequels or some degree of disability related to the rupture.


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Author Biography

Javier Mellado Herrera, Hospital Miguel Enríquez. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Miguel Enríquez. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. La Habana

Especialista de 2do Grado en cirugía


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How to Cite

Mellado Herrera J, Mellado Soler J de J. Fracture of sternum, fixation with blade and screws. Review of the literature on a case. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];21(1 Supp. 1):e70. Available from:



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