Level of knowledge about chronic kidney disease in patients, relatives and nursing staff
epidemiological characterization, quality of life, chronic kidney disease, chronic renal insufficiency, clinical manifestations, level of knowledgeAbstract
Introduction: Chronic kidney disease is one of the great challenges for health professionals; it constitutes a health problem that generates functional disability, decreased quality of life and high costs to health systems.
Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about chronic kidney disease in patients treated at the Riobamba Provincial General Teaching Hospital, their families and the nursing staff.
Methodology: A basic, non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional research with a mixed approach was developed. The universe consisted of 96 patients with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and the sample was made up of a total of 78 patients. Likewise, 78 family members and 40 nursing professionals who care for patients with this disease were investigated. Questionnaires were applied to identify clinical characteristics and level of knowledge about the management of the disease in the people participating in the study.
Results: There is a high percentage of patients with chronic kidney disease less than 40 years old (15.38%). All the family members and the nursing staff have not received training courses on disease management.
Conclusions: There is a medium level of knowledge in the nursing staff and low in the patients and their families in relation to the management of patients with chronic kidney disease. Training activities aimed at each of the groups of people included in the study need to be carried out.
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