Ankylosis of the Temporomandibular Joint


  • Erika Fabiola Vite Vera Hospital General. Guasmo Sur. Guayas
  • Hilton Jair Zúñiga Domínguez Centro de Salud Tipo B Moraspungo. Cotopaxi
  • Leydi Diana Moreira Cedeño Metrored. Pichincha
  • Christian Lee Escala Parker Hospital General Guasmo Sur. Guayas
  • Carolina Del Rosario Rivera Salas OMNIHOSPITAL Guayas
  • Rene Eduardo Marín Ferrín Ministerio de Salud Pública. Guayas


joint damage, ankylosis, temporomandibular joint


Introduction: It is of interest for physicians and specialist’s knowledge about the inability of the opening of the oral cavity due to coalitions between the bone and fibrous elements in the glenoid region.
Objective: To review the literature on the characteristics of this pathology.
Development: In the first quarter of 2006, in order to perform a non-exhaustive literature review to locate the available information on ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint, a literature search was carried out in Scielo, Medline, Isi Web of Knowlegde and Dialnet, searching as key words: ankylosis (ankylosis) and temporomandibular joint (temporomandibular joint). In addition to the computerized search, a manual search was made among the references of the selected studies.
Conclusions: The temporomandibular ankylosis is a complex clinical entity, usually annoying for patients given the impossibility of feeding and nourishing adequately, in addition to the deformities that from the aesthetic point of view affects the psychological sphere of the people afflicted. Its treatment is difficult, nevertheless, an adequate attention minimizes the consequences of the complications that can appear as a result of the surgical technique or other factors not related to it. It is recognized that an identification and timely treatment of the problem can favor the good results of medical behavior and the rapid integration of the patient into society.


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Author Biographies

Erika Fabiola Vite Vera, Hospital General. Guasmo Sur. Guayas

Médico General. Residente en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos.

Hilton Jair Zúñiga Domínguez, Centro de Salud Tipo B Moraspungo. Cotopaxi

Médico General. Médico de primer nivel de atención

Leydi Diana Moreira Cedeño, Metrored. Pichincha

Médico General. Médico de primer nivel de atención

Christian Lee Escala Parker, Hospital General Guasmo Sur. Guayas

Médico General. Médico en Funciones hospitalarias

Carolina Del Rosario Rivera Salas, OMNIHOSPITAL Guayas

Médico General. Residente de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos

Rene Eduardo Marín Ferrín, Ministerio de Salud Pública. Guayas

Médico General. Master en dirección y Gestión Sanitaria


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How to Cite

Vite Vera EF, Zúñiga Domínguez HJ, Moreira Cedeño LD, Escala Parker CL, Rivera Salas CDR, Marín Ferrín RE. Ankylosis of the Temporomandibular Joint. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];21(3):e110. Available from:

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