Work stress in prehospital care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
quality of life, work stress, psychosocial risk, mental health, burnout syndromeAbstract
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has generated changes in the working conditions of health workers, being considered a possible trigger of work stress.
Objective: To analyze the degree of exposure to work stress presented by pre-hospital care workers in zone 3 of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: A basic, non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive research was carried out where the universe consisted of a total of 35 workers. The third version of the Occupational Stress questionnaire designed by Villalobos in 2016 was used.
Results: Prevalence of workers exposed to work stress (88.57%) with predominance of medium stress (48.39%). Pain in the neck, back or muscle tension was always or almost always reported by 88.57% of the workers. Feelings of work overload were always or almost always present in 80.00% of the workers. 37.14% reported problems always or almost always with their family relationships. 62.86% of the workers reported that they consume alcoholic beverages, coffee or cigarettes always or almost always to control stress manifestations.
Conclusion: A high percentage of workers with a medium level of stress was identified. Pains in the neck and back; difficulties in family relationships; Feelings of work overload, difficulties concentrating and the consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee or cigarettes were the symptoms that were most frequently identified in the areas investigated.
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