Systemic sclerosis and pregnancy
systemic sclerosis, pregnancy, fertility, pre-term birth small full-term infantsAbstract
Systemic sclerosis is a not common disease, which is frequent in women with ages from 30 to 50 years old, generally after reproductive life, however, is not an exception that pregnancy will outcome because there is not any affection of fertility ability among this patients. It is well known that in those patients there is a higher incidence of pre-term birth and small full-term infants, without significant ratios of maternal complications. Clinical activity of SSc does not change during pregnancy according to most of the authors, although in patients which have pre-existence of nephropathy is common to develop toxemia and renal crisis could appear early. Respect to SSc treatment during pregnancy it must be personalized and should be used less drugs as possible. It is recommended that these patients must be treated by interdisciplinary equipment with rheumatologist included in order to reduce maternal-fetal and neonatal complications.Downloads
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